Piano tuning is not something that you pick up over night. It is a skill that takes considerable time and practice to do well, and above all it takes patience. It is impossible to perform so delicate a task if you are the sort of person who insists on rushing and doing everything as quickly as possible. Although it is not something you will learn in a day, with time and effort you can become an excellent piano tuner.

It is perfectly possible to learn to tune your own piano, but you will need to be sure of a few things before you start. Remember that the strings in a piano are tuned extremely tightly, and as a result, there is tremendous force inside the piano. Inexpertly attempting to fiddle with the piano tuning can cause severe damage. It is even possible to injure yourself.

You will need only a few tools to get started. A special wrench is used for tuning pianos. This is often called a hammer, and is intended specifically for moving piano pins. Some dampers are useful, often made from felt and rubber. Some sort of pitch reference will be necessary – either an electronic device or an old-fashioned tuning fork can work. Some safety glasses are a vital accessory – piano strings can break, and you do not want to lose an eye.

Both grand pianos and upright pianos have similar basic designs. The main difference is the orientation of the strings. As a result, each is tuned in a similar way. It tends to be the case that any piano needs to have all of its strings tuned at least once a year, and preferably each season. Sometimes only, a few notes will appear to be out of tune upon first listen, but usually the entire piano will fall out of tune to some extent with time. This means that piano tuning is never a small job – each and every string will need to be tuned in one day, which takes a great deal of work and, as we have said before, patience.

The actual method of piano tuning is complex and requires study, or at the very least a natural ear. It is well worth enlisting a professional piano technician if the job is too complex for you. There are safety issues to be considered as well as tuning ones – if your piano has gone a long time without tuning, it may have developed some structural fault that needs attention. A skilled piano tuner will know when this is so.

Phoenix Piano is committed to providing excellent service. We know how important your piano is to you, so when you trust it to our care, we do not take that responsibility lightly. We stand behind our work, and we don’t consider the job finished unless you are completely satisfied with the results.

Article Source: EzineArticles.com
