Phoenix Piano Moving
Piano Moving Service
Piano Tuning Service
Piano Storage Service
Pianos for Sale

Piano Mover Phoenix Arizona
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How To
Moving a small piano?
Maybe you’ve successfully moved your family piano in the past with minimal scratches and hassle but your experience would probably be very rare. After moving thousands of pianos over the years Phoenix Piano Moving has observed the following: 1. Without the proper dolly, pianos will get marks of paint and scratches in the moving process on the front of the piano where they get seen the most. 2. The legs, if not properly cared for will get damaged and weakened so that the piano loses its balanced look. 3. Although stout in appearance a piano is a finely tuned and delicate instrument that can be costly if the tune falls too far out of tune.
Services to consider when getting a moving quote. 1. I do a before and after the move tuning assessment to show just how simple and smooth the process can be on a piano. This tool has allowed me to hone my moving skills to achieve the best process to date. 2. A custom fixed wheeled dolly and a very long ramp insures that the piano will experience very little impact and a safe delivery. 3. Lots of blankets and redundant straps give peace of mind.
Probably one of the most important things to consideration after safety is availability of the move. You might say what is the right way to find piano mover near me? How many times have you asked for a quote and when you finally give the go ahead you are told that they have openings two weeks away. Not here. This is one thing that I hope to always maintain and that’s flexibility and availability. I do this by having my team always working on projects, like refinishing a piano or cleaning in the shop so that when a customer needs a piano moved now or very soon that we will always be in a position to stop what we are doing to make your move happen.
Last but not least is the cost. Of course there are many factors that go into this but in general expect to pay anywhere from $80 to $200 to move your family upright piano. If you are wondering how do I find piano mover near me just call, text or fill out our form to get exact cost to make this happen today! 623-282-1411
Two resources customer use to find Phoenix Piano Moving.